Thursday, March 11, 2010

You Know You Are Studying Abroad When...

1) You get homesick for London whenever you leave it.
2) You spend more time blogging, and uploading photos than working on your school work.
3) 50% of the time you spend on your computer is on Skype.
4) You get asked for directions all the time, and can actually help.
5) You realize that everyone can speak another language but you.
6) You know your way around London better than the largest city near your home town (for me, San Francisco)
7) You finally look the right directions when crossing the street without hesitating.
8) You see tourists and realize that you are no longer one of them.
9) You get asked where you are from, and hesitate because you don't know whether to respond with where you are currently living (North London), originally from (Bay Area), or where you go to school back at home (The OC).
10) You Finally have your UK number, postal code, UK and Europe clothing & shoe size memorized
11) When you stop trying to calculating £ to $ in your head.
12) When you start to use the metric system and understand it without needing to calculate it in your head (sometimes).


  1. Megan,
    This is really funny. London is a great City to travel around. Really great picture.
    Miss you,
    Love Dad

  2. What makes this list so funny is that everything is true!


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